This powerhouse of a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb has been used to strengthen protective defenses (Wei Qi), nourish the spleen, tonify the blood and lungs.
It’s a component of the “Change of Season Soup” - a blend of 4 herbs that helps with immune support during times of weather transition.
Research done in cells or animals has shown that extracts from astragalus can act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, support immunological systems, as well as increase telomerase activity, which prolongs the lifespan of cells (1,2,3).
Research on this herb is still growing but small studies has shown it to slightly improve nasal congestion, stroke recovery, and provide a notable improvement in immune support (it scored even better than echinacea!) (4,5,6).
Naturopathic Doctors understand the dosing of herbs used in the research to achieve a specific health goal. Immune support is a common service that we provide and we accomplish this through nutritional changes, lifestyle strategies, botanical herbs, and supplements. We are also trained to determine if there are any interactions between herbs and medications you may be taking or health concerns you may be experiencing.
If you're curious whether Astragalus would be a great fit for your immune support tea and supplement regimen, book an appointment today!
PMID: 33787592
PMID: 31849654
PMID: 30207235
PMID: 17661330
PMID: 22474516
PMID: 19504468