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Resilient Postpartum Wellness Program

The postpartum transition is a challenging period. It can feel like all attention shifts to the baby after the 6-week mark, leaving you to pick up the pieces after the sudden hormonal shifts, lack of sleep, and the responsibility of caring for a new life. This time often leads to parental burnout and challenges, even when everything on your blood work "looks normal."


My goal is to support parents through this critical time, aiding you in finding balance and consistency, improving energy levels, and fostering mental wellness.

Check out the Resilient Postpartum Wellness Program blueprint below!

Mother Holding Baby Finger


Exploring symptoms

You have just experienced the largest hormonal change that is experienced in a lifetime. On top of this, you’re running on no sleep, navigating breastfeeding, trying to bond with your baby and adjust to being a family of 3 or more. While this is happening, low energy and mood changes may seem to have an obvious explanation. However, I don't like to rely on saying that these symptoms are part of "just being a parent". Thorough investigation through lab work is important.


Refining postpartum support

After doing more thorough investigation, we can go from a basic plan to one that is individualized to your needs. Overarching goals can be:

  • Clear and structured nutrition and supplement plans

  • Improve low energy and support maternal mental health

  • Sleep support if there are challenges falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Supporting milk supply

  • Scheduling movement and time for self


Maintaining Resiliency

As we reach this stage of the program, life will continue to change and throw you new challenges. Momentum check ins are more important than ever to help you support yourself and ensure that we are staying on track to meeting the goals you have set for yourself.


It's hard to pour from an empty cup, so we want to support your recovery so that you can support your growing family.

Get in Touch

Wondering if naturopathic medicine is right for you? Click below to ask me a question or book a complimentary 15-minute consultation!

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